
now it begins

finally it is my last week at this hell hole program, my summer officially begins on friday. it's been 6 weeks already? damn time flies. i was really excited about seeing built to spill preform tomorrow night but unfortunately i am now crammed with 3 essays to write, a few tests and a math statistics project... joy. i tend to complain a lot about all this crap but i really try and stay positive thinking about the future ahead of me. i think that kids these days need to start realizing that an education doesnt always have to be a bad thing, you just have to learn how to enjoy it. i try and read the news online every so often and it sucks how this world is so corrupt, the oil spill makes me want to cry, the poverty is over the charts and we are slackin in doctors and teachers

anyways sorry for getting off track, back to talking about poughkeepsie. the school work isnt what gets me bummed but the fact that im upstate in this dead zone during summer, when i can be enjoying the city, exploring new places while i bike and take pictures. although i did get to bike from chelsea to brighton beach with mimi these past two saturday mornings, it is one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences ever. hopefully once the real deal college year starts itll be a lot better and ill have a skateboard by then so i can be cruisin around campus ha. monday im finally starting the internship at Seventeen Magazine! im a little nervous but im also so fucking excited. sadly i still have to wake up early but not as early as these classes plus i get to be in the city so i can hangout afterwards with my friends

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