going in on valentine's day

OZZY! the second best dog ever

my wife

such a good play

so yesterday i took my last two midterms! YESSSSS! i am so hyped its all over! i didn't really wake up to a good start but everything is fine now. "a view from the bridge" was such a great play, i got to have scarlett sign my play bill ha. yesterday after my tests, i booked it and went to kick it in brooklyn, took some shots of my girl jude overlooking manhattan lookin fine as always. later met up with aleks and izzy, checked out a few shops and aleks sold her clothes at beacons. i came up with some sweet birthday heels i plan on rockin next friday night. later met up with taji and his girlfriend victoria, went to stuyguy and hung out with aleks and the boys watching Chucky 2. i am really happy january is already over, its pretty crazy how time flies. tonight is davon willis' birthday so you already know what that means...
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